Sep 19, 2017

The O'Hare/Molovinsky War

Recently, I had written in both a post and comment that Bernie O'Hare excludes this blog from his blogroll because of a feud that started because of my comment that his disclaimer about Morganelli in March of 2016 was inadequate. Yesterday, he posted a piece which he claims proves that he deleted my blog because of hate, because it was 14 months after our Morganelli issue before he deleted this blog.  Of course, the only thing that proves is that O'Hare thinks of his readers as sheep, which he can lead to any conclusion he wishes.  This past May, Knit Knee Lion wrote in a comment on Bernie's blog, "he...kept a link to your "blog" on his sidebar whilst you have banished his from ye olde blog roll........ I'd say your treatment of Ken Heffentrager was very hateful, it was a real punch and judy show." Bernie replied;

I would have preferred if Bernie had let my explanation of why he excluded my blog from his sidebar stand, rather than have to expose his distortions.  However, since his post yesterday states that I was being loose with the truth, and that I'm hosting a hate blog, an answer is required. After I pointed out how much Bernie understated his support for Morganelli with his $25 contribution disclaimer,  O'Hare started taking shots at this blog. He would routinely refer to the Molovinsky Tabernacle Choir and other slurs. A number of people mentioned his increasing hostility toward me. I held my tongue for months, but then decided to start defending both myself and this blog. It was only then, after I started pointing out Bernie's flaws,  did he delete Molovinsky On Allentown from the list.

ADDENDUM: For viewers on mobile devices, in Bernie's screen shot shown above, he replies;  I have no obligation to link to a blog that repeatedly attacks me.  There is no mention of it being a hate blog.

UPDATE: Bernie now updated his post from yesterday, falsely claiming that I admitted that I lied. (He found an awkward sentence he could take out of context)  While others might enjoy his kind of propaganda,  I'm inclined to disengage from defending against his distortions.


  1. He does delete the comments of those who don't agree with him. This is his M.O. Closed minded and believes that Hillary should have won the election because she received more of the popular vote. How pitiful. Best to ignore this snub and move on.

  2. a good blog/man gone bad. And his temperament will only get worse if his political favorites increasingly fall out of favor.

  3. Talk about authoritarian as he describes our President; he operates his blog as a authoritarian blog. His hate for Trump is very obvious and he far exceeds a normal person's political discourse on a political candidate who won an election on a public mandate.

  4. I would have preferred not to engage in this feud. however, with bernie misrepresenting things in this post, including my comment policy, I felt an obligation to reply. now, with bernie's proof being refuted, and his compulsion for the last word, I know that his reply will be voluminous. never the less, hopefully this will be my last entry on this topic. people should not misconstrue any future lack of response by me, with bernie being correct about this issue.

  5. I'm a loyal reader of you both. I believe the both of you contribute mightily to discussions important to the governing and culture of the Lehigh Valley in a way that not only the local media doesn't, but can't.

    So I'm loath to take sides other than to say Bernie seems burdened by something lately, and is not his gregarious and funny self of late. I wish him well, but would never dream of prying.

    I hope this whole thing fades quickly...
