Sep 29, 2017

Justified Killings In Allentown's Dodge City

Earlier in the week it was announced that a shooting death in August was justified, and that no charges would be filed.  A stabbing yesterday is being evaluated to see if it was justified.  I have no knowledge or interest in these particular cases,  but what grabs my attention is the number of potential predators downtown with lethal weapons.

In the old TV series Gunsmoke, all the cowboys carried a gun, and if the other person drew first, the shooting was deemed self-defense.  The marshall,  Matt Dillon would often comment that eventually civilization would come to the west, and men wouldn't have to carry guns.  I suppose in some ways civilization must have left downtown Allentown.


  1. Agreed! Pawlowski's national crime statistical analysis is shot to hell [pardon the pun]. It is time for either Hyman or O'Connell to recognize this problem and present a plan to attack the same. Both of them have hardly touched this, or have presented nothing to engage this. Obviously, the present inexperienced police administration follow the dictums of their boss, the Less than honorable Mayor "Boss Hog" Pawlowski. At least in my mind, the Police Command structure currently in place is unable to come up with viable plans to combat these issues and are riding the waves to retirement; all at the detriment for the citizens of Allentown! This group has to be viewed as complicit with their boss and must be evaluated for retention in any new administration.

  2. Theres an old saying from the Don Henley, I think that a man with a breifcase will robb you sooner than a man with a gun!

  3. To the NRA the happiness of gun nut cowards is more important than the death of innocents.

    Until politicians get off their asses and pass legislation the carnage will continue. The Republicans in the House had scheduled two votes this to permit easier access to purchase silencers for all weapons, and the other to ease restrictions on carrying arms from one state to another. I suspect for PR reasons now after Vegas today the vote will be delayed a few weeks.

    Are you suggesting Mr. MM that there are too many hand guns available in Allentown? No wonder you are not in Harrisburg, but, on the sidelines. Senator Toomey would have your head for such an observation.

    It is legal to carry a MACHINE GUN anywhere in Las Vegas. Nevada is a red state.....keep the government off of our guns!
